Thursday, August 15, 2013

21 Graces - Week 3

     I've always admired those faithful people who are counting a thousand blessings.  I thought about attempting it from time to time.  But,  recording 1,000 blessings seemed a little overwhelming.  I'm good at accepting blessings, but to write them down was another story.  That's why when I saw the idea behind 21 Graces, I was excited to jump in.  Everyday I note three things which blessed me.  That's it, just three things.  At the end of the week there are 21 Graces.  So simple.  God always blesses me with far more than three each day.
     Friend, you are welcome to join in on the fun.  Visit Jordy Liz Blogs to link up or to find out more.
  1. A wonderful family reunion.  It was so fun to catch up with everyone.  To admire the babies and exclaim over accomplishments.  A beautiful day.
  2. Finally, getting the slide show together for the church VBS.  Love those adorable children.
  3. Hearing that one of our laser etched pictures on granite, that I painted is such a favorite with a family friend that he has used the picture he took of it as a screen saver for years!
  4. Starting to get my classroom ready for the new school year which begins on September 3.
  5. Working on our entry closet makeover.  It's starting to come together.
  6. Early morning quiet time.
  7. My 18 year old daughter uttered the words, "You were RIGHT, Mom."  And the heavens opened and the angels sang!
  8. New slippers.
  9. Pat picking up the chicken feed so I wouldn't have to.
  10. Going for a walk at the Walkway over the Hudson.
  11. The smell of sheets hung outside to dry.
  12. Fresh tomatoes.
  13. I drank water out of my 11 year old son's glass by mistake.  "Mom!  You just took my glass!"  Oooops.  Well, I hope you didn't spit in it.    "No,  If there was any spit, it was ON it and not IN it.  That one little letter makes all of the difference!"  Yes, it does.
  14. A perfect summer day.
  15. Walking on the Walkway Over the Hudson.  So peaceful.
  16. Not running out of gas.
  17. Knowing that my classroom is ready for the first day of school.
  18. Time to dream.
  19. A good book and time to read it.
  20. A compliment from a friend.
  21. Watching Around the World in 80 Days, starring Jackie Chan, with my family.
     Look here for Week 1.
     Look here for Week 2.
     How has God blessed you this week?

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